Source code for stsynphot.stio

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This module handles ``stsynphot``-specific I/O for:

* FITS - See ``
* Basic ASCII - See ``

import fnmatch
import re
import os
import sys
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from import ascii, fits
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from import get_pkg_data_path

from synphot import exceptions as synexceptions
from synphot import units

__all__ = ['resolve_filename', 'irafconvert', 'get_latest_file',
           'read_graphtable', 'read_comptable', 'read_catalog', 'read_wavecat',
           'read_waveset', 'read_detector_pars', 'read_interp_spec']

_irafconvpat = re.compile(r'\$(\w*)')
_irafconvdata = None

[docs] def resolve_filename(path, *args): """Resolve filename that could be URL or local file. Parameters ---------- path : str Root directory or URL. args : tuple of str Any sub-path(s) and the actual filename. Returns ------- reg_filename : str Resolved filename. """ path_lc = path.lower() if path_lc.startswith(('ftp', 'http')): sep = '/' fname = sep.join(args) if path_lc.endswith(sep): reg_filename = path + fname else: reg_filename = path + sep + fname # Catch-all to ensure result is OS-independent. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): reg_filename = reg_filename.replace('\\', sep) else: reg_filename = str(Path(path) / os.sep.join(args)) return reg_filename
def _iraf_decode(irafdir): """Decode IRAF dir shortcut.""" from stsynphot.config import conf # Put here to avoid circular import error # noqa global _irafconvdata irafdir = irafdir.lower() if irafdir == 'synphot': # Local data path = get_pkg_data_path('data') elif irafdir == 'crrefer': # Root dir path = conf.rootdir else: # Read from file # Avoid repeated I/O but do not load if not used if _irafconvdata is None: _irafconvdata = mask = _irafconvdata['IRAFNAME'] == irafdir if not np.any(mask): raise KeyError(f'IRAF shortcut {irafdir} not found in ' f'{conf.irafshortcutfile}.') relpath = os.path.normpath(_irafconvdata['RELPATH'][mask][0]) path = os.path.join(conf.rootdir, relpath) return path
[docs] def irafconvert(iraf_filename, sep='$'): """Convert IRAF filename to regular filename. Acceptable IRAF formats: * ``$path/file`` - ``path`` assumed to be environment variable. * ``path$file`` - ``path`` is special IRAF shortcut for TRDS data directory (case-insensitive). Notes on special IRAF shortcut: * ``synphot`` points to software data directory. * ``crrefer`` points to ``stsynphot.config.conf.rootdir``. * Otherwise, decoded based on ``stsynphot.config.conf.irafshortcutfile`` that must contain the following named columns: #. ``IRAFNAME`` - The shortcut for look-up. If multiple matches are found, the first match is used. #. ``RELPATH`` - Path relative to ``stsynphot.config.conf.rootdir``. If separator is not found, input is returned as-is. Parameters ---------- iraf_filename : str IRAF filename. sep : char, optional Path-file separator. Returns ------- reg_filename : str Regular filename. Raises ------ KeyError Environment variable or IRAF shortcut is undefined. TypeError Input is not a string. """ if not isinstance(iraf_filename, str): raise TypeError(f'{iraf_filename} is not a string.') # Nothing needs to be done if sep not in iraf_filename: return iraf_filename # Remove duplicate separators and extraneous relative paths. iraf_filename = os.path.normpath(iraf_filename) # $var/file if iraf_filename.startswith(sep): match = _irafconvpat.match(iraf_filename) path = os.environ[] fname = iraf_filename[match.end() + 1:] # 1 to omit leading slash # dir$file else: irafdir, fname = iraf_filename.split(sep) path = _iraf_decode(irafdir) return resolve_filename(path, fname)
# TODO: Use CRDS instead.
[docs] def get_latest_file(template, raise_error=False, err_msg=''): """Find the filename that appears last in sorted order based on given template. Parameters ---------- template : str Search template in the form of ``path/pattern`` where pattern is acceptable by :py:mod:`fnmatch`. raise_error : bool, optional Raise an error when no files found. Otherwise, will issue warning only. err_msg : str Alternate message for when no files found. If not given, generic message is used. Returns ------- filename : str Latest filename. Raises ------ IOError No files found. """ path, pattern = os.path.split(irafconvert(template)) path_lc = path.lower() if not path: path = os.curdir # Remote HTTP/HTTPS directory if path_lc.startswith('http'): from urllib import request from bs4 import BeautifulSoup with request.urlopen(path) as fin: # nosec soup = BeautifulSoup(fin, 'html.parser') allfiles = [x.text for x in soup.find_all('a')] sep = '/' # Remote FTP directory elif path_lc.startswith('ftp:'): from urllib import request response = request.urlopen(path).read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() # nosec # noqa allfiles = list(set([x.split()[-1] for x in response])) # Rid symlink sep = '/' # Local directory elif os.path.isdir(path): allfiles = os.listdir(path) sep = os.sep # Bogus directory else: allfiles = [] matched_files = sorted(fnmatch.filter(allfiles, pattern)) # Last file in sorted listing if matched_files: filename = path + sep + matched_files[-1] # No files found else: if not err_msg: err_msg = f'No files found for {template}' if raise_error: raise IOError(err_msg) else: warnings.warn(err_msg, AstropyUserWarning) filename = '' return filename
def _read_table(filename, ext, dtypes): """Generic table reader. Parameters ---------- filename : str Table filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. ext : int Data extension. This is ignored for ASCII file. dtypes : dict Dictionary that maps column names to data types. Returns ------- data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Failure to parse table. """ # FITS if filename.endswith(('.fits', '.fit')): with as f: data = f[ext].data.copy() err_str = '' for key, val in dtypes.items(): if not np.issubdtype(data[key].dtype, val): err_str += (f'Expect {key} to be {val} but get ' f'{data[key].dtype}.\n') if err_str: raise synexceptions.SynphotError(err_str) # ASCII else: # pragma: no cover converters = dict( [[k, ascii.convert_numpy(v)] for k, v in dtypes.items()]) data =, converters=converters) return data
[docs] def read_graphtable(filename, tab_ext=1): """Read graph table file. Table must contain the following named columns: #. ``COMPNAME`` - Component name, usually filter name (str) #. ``KEYWORD`` - Usually instrument name (str) #. ``INNODE`` - Input node number (int) #. ``OUTNODE``- Output node number (int) #. ``THCOMPNAME`` - Thermal component name, usually filter name (str) #. ``COMMENT`` - Comment (str) Example: +--------+-------+------+-------+----------+--------+ |COMPNAME|KEYWORD|INNODE|OUTNODE|THCOMPNAME|COMMENT | +========+=======+======+=======+==========+========+ | clear |nicmos | 1 | 30 | clear |idno=100| +--------+-------+------+-------+----------+--------+ | clear | wfc3 | 1 | 30 | clear | | +--------+-------+------+-------+----------+--------+ | clear | wfpc | 1 | 20 | clear |idno=100| +--------+-------+------+-------+----------+--------+ Parameters ---------- filename : str Graph table filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. tab_ext : int, optional FITS extension index of the data table. This is ignored for ASCII file. Returns ------- primary_area : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` or `None` Value of PRIMAREA keyword in primary header. Always `None` for ASCII file. data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. Raises ------ synphot.exceptions.SynphotError Failure to parse graph table. """ graph_dtypes = { 'COMPNAME': np.str_, 'KEYWORD': np.str_, 'INNODE': np.int32, 'OUTNODE': np.int32, 'THCOMPNAME': np.str_, 'COMMENT': np.str_} data = _read_table(filename, tab_ext, graph_dtypes) # Get primary area if filename.endswith(('.fits', '.fit')): with as f: primary_area = f[str('PRIMARY')].header.get('PRIMAREA', None) else: # pragma: no cover primary_area = None if primary_area is not None and not isinstance(primary_area, u.Quantity): primary_area = primary_area * units.AREA # Check for segmented graph table if np.any([x.lower().endswith('graph') for x in data['COMPNAME']]): # pragma: no cover raise synexceptions.SynphotError( 'Segmented graph tables not supported.') return primary_area, data
[docs] def read_comptable(filename, tab_ext=1): """Read component table file (regular or thermal). Table must contain the following named columns: #. ``TIME`` - Useafter date and time in the format of ``MMM DD YYYY HH:MM:SS`` (str) #. ``COMPNAME`` - Component name, usually a combination of instrument/detector and filter names (str) #. ``FILENAME`` - Path to corresponding throughput file in the format of ``path_var$filename`` (str) #. ``COMMENT`` - Comment (str) See :ref:`stsynphot-master-comp` for more details. Parameters ---------- filename : str Component table filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. tab_ext : int, optional FITS extension index of the data table. This is ignored for ASCII file. Returns ------- data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return _read_table(filename, tab_ext, {'TIME': np.str_, 'COMPNAME': np.str_, 'FILENAME': np.str_, 'COMMENT': np.str_})
[docs] def read_catalog(filename, tab_ext=1): """Read catalog grid look-up table. Table must contain the following named columns: #. ``INDEX`` - Grid values (str) #. ``FILENAME`` - Relative file path and column name (str) Example: +----------------+-----------------------------+ | INDEX | FILENAME | +================+=============================+ | 10000,-0.5,0.0 | ckm05/ckm05_10000.fits[g00] | +----------------+-----------------------------+ | 10000,-0.5,0.5 | ckm05/ckm05_10000.fits[g05] | +----------------+-----------------------------+ | 10000,-0.5,1.0 | ckm05/ckm05_10000.fits[g10] | +----------------+-----------------------------+ Parameters ---------- filename : str Catalog filename. If suffix is not 'fits' or 'fit', assume ASCII format. tab_ext : int, optional FITS extension index of the data table. This is ignored for ASCII file. Returns ------- data : `` or `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return _read_table(filename, tab_ext, {'INDEX': np.str_, 'FILENAME': np.str_})
[docs] def read_wavecat(filename): """Read wavelength catalog from ASCII file. Table must contain two columns without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Columns are automatically named: #. ``OBSMODE`` - Observation mode. #. ``FILENAME`` - Corresponding wavelength table filename or parameters. Example:: # WAVECAT.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. cos,fuv (900.0,3000.0,1.0) cos,nuv (1000.0,12000.0,1.0) acs,hrc synphot$wavecats/acs.dat acs,wfc1 synphot$wavecats/acs.dat Parameters ---------- filename : str Wavelength catalog filename. Must be ASCII format. Returns ------- data : `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return filename, names=('OBSMODE', 'FILENAME'), guess=False, format='no_header', converters={'OBSMODE': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)], 'FILENAME': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)]})
[docs] def read_waveset(filename, wave_unit=u.AA): """Read wavelength table from ASCII file. Table must contain a single column without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Column is automatically named ``WAVELENGTH``. Example:: # ACS.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. 1000. 2000. 5000. 9000. Parameters ---------- filename : str Wavelength table filename. Must be ASCII format. wave_unit : str or `~astropy.units.Unit` Wavelength unit. Returns ------- waveset : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` Wavelength set array. """ wave_unit = units.validate_wave_unit(wave_unit) data = filename, guess=False, format='no_header', names=('WAVELENGTH', ), converters={'WAVELENGTH': [ascii.convert_numpy(float)]}) waveset = data['WAVELENGTH'].data if not isinstance(waveset, u.Quantity): waveset = waveset * u.AA return waveset
[docs] def read_detector_pars(filename): """Read detector parameters from ASCII file. Table must contain 4 columns without header. Comment lines are allowed and will be ignored. Columns are automatically named: #. ``OBSMODE`` - Observation mode. #. ``SCALE`` - Pixel scale in arcseconds. #. ``NX`` - X dimension in pixels. #. ``NY`` - Y dimension in pixels. Example:: # DETECTORS.DAT -- Comments. # More comments. acs,hrc 0.027 1024 1024 acs,sbc 0.032 1024 1024 stis,g140l 0.0244 1024 1024 stis,g140m 0.0290 1024 1024 Parameters ---------- filename : str Detector parameters filename. Must be ASCII format. Returns ------- data : `~astropy.table.Table` Data table. """ return filename, guess=False, format='no_header', delimiter=r'\s', names=('OBSMODE', 'SCALE', 'NX', 'NY'), converters={'OBSMODE': [ascii.convert_numpy(str)], 'SCALE': [ascii.convert_numpy(float)], 'NX': [ascii.convert_numpy(int)], 'NY': [ascii.convert_numpy(int)]})
[docs] def read_interp_spec(filename, tab_ext=1): """Read parameterized (interpolate-able) throughput spectra from FITS table. Table must contain two or more columns: #. ``WAVELENGTH`` - Wavelength values. #. ``PAR#VAL1`` - First parameterized column. #. ``PAR#VAL2`` - Second parameterized column. #. ... Example: +------------+---------------+---------------+ | WAVELENGTH | FR656N#6274.0 | FR656N#6331.4 | +============+===============+===============+ | 6136.0 | 0.0012254583 | 0.00019133692 | +------------+---------------+---------------+ | 6141.0 | 0.0016151578 | 0.00021833261 | +------------+---------------+---------------+ | 6146.0 | 0.0021577575 | 0.00025030275 | +------------+---------------+---------------+ Parameters ---------- filename : str FITS filename. tab_ext : int, optional FITS extension index of the data table. Returns ------- data : `` Data table. wave_unit : str Value of ``TUNIT1`` in table header. do_wave_shift : bool Perform wavelength shift before interpolation. This is `True` when primary header has ``PARAMS`` keyword set to ``WAVELENGTH`` (case-insensitive). allow_extrap : bool Allow extrapolation. This is only `True` when primary header has ``EXTRAP`` keyword explicitly set to ``T`` or `True`. """ with as f: pri_hdr = f[str('PRIMARY')].header params = pri_hdr.get('PARAMS', '') if params.lower() == 'wavelength': do_wave_shift = True else: do_wave_shift = False extrap = pri_hdr.get('EXTRAP', False) if extrap in (True, 'T', 't'): allow_extrap = True else: allow_extrap = False wave_unit = f[tab_ext].header['TUNIT1'].lower() data = f[tab_ext].data.copy() return data, wave_unit, do_wave_shift, allow_extrap